A revolutionary new hand strengthener product, The Try-Angle is the most economical and efficient way to improve what you can accomplish with your hands.
Designed for on-the-go lifestyles, the compact and flexible hand and finger strengthener device travels with you. Experience the benefits from just a few minutes a day with The Try-Angle wrist and forearm exerciser.
Dr. Levi created the Try-Angle hand and finger strengthener after witnessing how pain and unnecessary injury disrupt our life’s work and passion. After more than a decade of extensive design, research and experimentation, The Try-Angle emerged as a simple and effective way that everyone can protect and strengthen their hands, wrists, and forearms.
Early adopters and supporters of this wrist and forearm exerciser range from elite athletes to computer-intensive professionals, who praise its benefits, whether recovering from injury or taking their professional performance to the next level.
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